AAS Video Library

AAS Video Library

The American Arkology Society commissioned artist Thomas Doyle to create a series of models depicting scenes from the future based on evidence found in Arks. Here he and Society Communications Director Tim Alstead discuss the models and the process to bring this exciting project to fruition.
The 1987 discovery of an Ark in Olena, Ohio took the life of a boy named Christopher Kowalski. Arkologist Dr. Linda Burgher discusses the Christopher Act, passed in 1988 to discourage tampering with or removing Arks, and its ramifications for the field of arkology.
Arkologist Dr. Richard Grellan discusses the hypotheses and questions raised by the discovery of the Shoreham Ark in 1992.

Dr. Stephen Isaacs discusses the questions that arkologists – and the American Arkology Society – continue to ask.

Public safety announcement produced in 1989 by the Ark Public Safety Council. Created in the wake of Christopher Kowalski’s death, the Ark Public Safety Council created multiple PSAs to educate children and families about the potential dangers found within Arks.